
Gustavum and subsidiary companies invest in startups, mature companies and real estate. When we see an opportunity to Generate Growth we are interested to invest and do the Construction for Development. We invest our time, money and other resources needed to create success. All in line with our motto: Building for Development.

Investment & Support of Start up companies

We work close together with the companies we invest in. We invest in businesses where we are committed to generate growth. Together we make a difference.

Mature Companies

We support more mature companies that need to shape up and refocus. Gustavum invest time, money and resources to take your business to the next level. Together we create future success.

Real Estate

We invest in buildings we are proud of. We have high demands on standard and location. Our buildings are located centrally and close to public transportation.

Consult & Advise

Gustavum and subsidiary companies ( take on assignments in various areas where we have the expertise to consult and advise. We have a great network to set up a team of competences needed for each assignment. We also support and advices executives.

Knowledge Management

In a working environment where change happens every day it is crucial to have a set up where the co-workers have the right pre-requisite to perform every day. We support your organization to make this happen. Support systems and people working together for the best of your customers.

Management Consulting

When you have a need to improve the outcome of your organisations deliveries, implement a better way of working or want a sounding board for an upcoming change. Let us know and together we let the change lead to improvement.

Business Transformation

How do you set up an organisation that are ready for both current and future challenges? How do you create co-worker involvement? How do you transform your business for future needs? Let us answer those questions and generate growth together.


When you are in need for a leader and manager we support your business. You might need an inspirational key note speech for all co-workers regarding culture & values. Let us know and let us grow together. For more information connect with our daughter company at 

Interim Management

We take assignments as managers and leaders for both short and long periods of time. We have a great network, with a variety of competences so when you need a highly skilled manager and leader let us know.

Key note Speaker

Do you need someone to create value in a key note speech? It might be about value-based leadership or business transformation. Let us know.

Board member

When you need someone with a holistic view with many years of experience from international work in production, retail and telecom. Let’s have a talk and see if we have a match!